Thursday, January 20, 2011


Entered Dale's (The Thread Studio) competition on Facebook for a pack of Victory rayon threads and shock of shocks...I won! I'm on a bit of a roll, because I won a raffle prior to Christmas and now, this...up until the raffle, I had never won anything, so this is a bit of a surprise. Thanks, Dale!!!

I have a plan for the threads. I want to use them to make a pocket for Dale's challenge 'Pick a Pocket'. The ideas are fermenting and it does mean I have to go to the NGV and see the Lace exhibition. Poor me, I don't know how I'll cope!

The main issue, however, will be employing a bit of Nike philosophy and 'just do it', rather than think, plan, imagine and what might have been!

The quest of a bit of creativity each day is the aim...

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your wins! It's a hard job visiting shows and exhibitions but someone's got to do it. Just make sure it's not too enjoyable of course!!! Lol
